Friday, April 10, 2015

Eastern Ribbon Snake

Picture: Grazielle Melo Pena
The Eastern Ribbon Snake (Thamnophis sauritus sauritus) is usually found in the eastern part of the United States. It is an ingenuous species of snake that is not poisonous. Thus, there are some people who have the Eastern Ribbon Snake as a pet at their home.

When the snake becomes adult it can has between 16 to 24 inches of length. The Eastern Ribbon Snake usually feed on small fishes and anphibious and it has tha habit of swimming in water surfaces near the shoreline. 

It has this name becaue of its very thin body. We found this adorable animal in a trail at the Jean Lafitte National Park in New Orleans. It has brown body with two yellow strips in each side.

Picture: Gustavo B. Vallim

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